session: Monday 9 to Wednesday 18 Juny
workshop participants: Maximum 20.
purpose: Produce with all the participants a
“ABC of Visual Resistance”
in the Zine format with silk-screen print.
We are going to give theoric session about Image Philosophy, Visual Anthropology, Art-Action, Counterculture, etc.
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session: Monday 9 to Wednesday 18 Juny 2014 (SESSION 9)
workshop participants: Maximum 20.
purpose: Produce with all the participants a “ABC of Visual Resistance” in the Zine format with silk-screen print.
We are going to give theoric session about Image Philosophy, Visual Anthropology, Art-Action, Counterculture, etc.
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Then with all participants will resolve about the 28 concepts that conform the “ABC of Visual Resistance” . The rest of the sessions are devoted for doing the silkscreen, and bookbinding. The zine release will be for Crack fest 2014.
- who
Rafa El Doc /Industrias Doc ( a controcultural strong weapon, became from filth and dirty of condal city, empowering by dark chocolate and punk rock records.
Ratalia Espigadora (, is a zinester that attempt to make a relation between the material part of the book with his content, its a fetishist, try to get to the anarchy of the sense. With the name of Svaselina Luvrika jocking in front of the videocamera with Martina Dry, and the result is the inverosimil tv online program “Art with a Capital A” (right now on the air: Princeton Tv New Jersey video-zine program “Notes from Underground” and in La Tele “HartiCultura”, channel 37 Catalunya, Spain). And often do like mediator-teacher of the workshop “Taller Espigador@s de la Cultura Visual” in Caracas, peruvian amazon, chilean patagonia, Valencia, Zaragoza y Barcelona.